

ISO 27001 Certificate

Within the EBCONT group of companies, EBCONT operations GmbH has an upheld ISO 27001 certificate, from which the fulfillment of technical-organizational measures regarding data security and information security can be derived. For further details, please refer to our Information Security Policy and Security Guideline for Suppliers. The ISMS is applied throughout the entire company group.

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Security Policy for Suppliers

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Information Security Policy

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EU GDPR Compliant

EBCONT is committed to ensuring protection of all personal information that we can access performing our services. Thus, we act and work compliant with EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

Whistleblower: Vertrauliches Meldesystem für illegales oder unethisches Verhalten

EBCONT hat eine Null-Toleranz-Politik in Bezug auf jede Form von illegalem oder unethischem Verhalten. Um unsere Kultur der Integrität zu erhalten, hat EBCONT eine interne Meldestelle für hinweisgebende Personen („Whistleblower“) eingerichtet.

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